The bodies available for dissection were donated by individuals who wanted their remains to be used for education and research. As a medical student, you are privileged to have the opportunity to use this anatomical donation. The rules of the anatomy laboratory are based upon PATIENT PRIVACY, RESPECT, SECURITY, SAFETY, and MAINTENANCE. These rules will be observed in the laboratory AT ALL TIMES.
- The anatomical donors are to be always treated with the utmost respect. Inappropriate or improper behavior and/or comments within and outside the laboratory is/are unacceptable. The articulated skeletons, skulls and isolated bones are to be afforded the same respect of cadavers.
- Do not remove the numbered tag from your cadaver.
- The cadavers are to be properly maintained. Drying of tissue can be prevented by wrapping body parts in wet paper towels after each dissection. A special wetting fluid with a mold inhibitor is provided for this purpose in the large carboys near the sinks; do not use tap water. Any suspicion of mold or rot should be reported to the facility director immediately, since it can rapidly spread throughout body and to other donors in the room. The plastic body bag should be closed after each dissection. Take good care of your cadaver – it is the best teacher you have in this course.
- All cadaver waste tissues are to be disposed of in the green trash bins. No other waste is to be disposed of in these bins (see below for the disposal of other waste).
- Dissection tables should be kept clean and free of excessive tissue.
- The right of privacy and confidentiality due all medical patients is extended to our anatomical donors at all times.
- Cadavers will be appropriately draped at all times. All regions not being studied should be draped. Entirely cover the cadaver when leaving it for any period of time.
- Use of cameras, cell phones or other photographic or video equipment is not permitted in the laboratory at any time unless specifically authorized by the course administration.
- Only students, faculty and other authorized personnel are allowed in the gross anatomy lab. Under no circumstances may a student bring an unauthorized visitor into the lab.
- NOTHING leaves the lab without the permission of the facility administrator or the course director.
- Food and/or drinks are not allowed in the laboratory.
Access to the anatomy lab is via electronic ID card key. Students have access to the Anatomy Lab 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Student access to the lab is recorded in the University ID card access database.
For safety and security after hours, students should only use the lab in the presence of another student - a "buddy system".
Keep the doors of the laboratory closed AT ALL TIMES. Do not share your bone drawer combination with anyone.
The following safety procedures are in place to prevent injuries and limit exposure to chemicals:
- Students must wear long pants and closed shoes whenever they are in the laboratory. Open-toed or perforated shoes (e.g., sandals), shorts and skirts are not to be worn in the anatomy lab. You will be asked to leave the laboratory if you are in violation of this dress code.
- Students must wear a lab coat when in the lab. It is your responsibility to maintain your lab coat in a reasonably clean condition. The faculty will insist you wear your lab coat regardless of how dirty it is.
- Nitrile gloves must be worn throughout the dissection period.
- Eye protection must be worn whenever you are within five (5) feet of an open cadaver. Regular eyeglasses are sufficient eye protection. Students must wear safety goggles when using hammers, chisels, bone pliers and Stryker saws.
- All used scalpel blades must be disposed of in the provided "sharps" containers. Never dispose of "sharps" in wastebaskets or garbage cans (see below for the disposal of other waste).
- All injuries incurred in the gross anatomy laboratory, no matter how insignificant they may appear, must be reported immediately to an instructor. The instructor will administer first aid and determine whether the student should be directed to a facility for further treatment.
- In case of an EMERGENCY, use the lab phone to call the police (9-911).
- Students who are pregnant, or believe they may be pregnant, are responsible for discussing attendance in the gross anatomy lab with their physician.
The laboratory must be kept neat at all times, and you are expected to clean your area after each day's dissection. This includes frequently emptying the bucket at the end of your table and wiping up any large spills from the floor. You are provided space for storing your atlases and dissection tools – please use it! Atlases and tools that are left on the counters will be placed in the lost and found box. Note that proper trash disposal is as follow:
- cadaver (tissue) waste - green trash cans
- gloves and cadaver-soaked paper towels - red hazardous waste containers
- blades - red sharps disposal boxes located on counter tops
- paper towels, papers, etc. - regular gray trash cans
The anatomy study room is a grease-free area. Do not wear lab coats or gloves in this room. Please shut the door to the study room if you are the last person to leave the lab after hours.
Models are to be examined only in the anatomy study room. Using a pen or pencil to point out structures on a model is strictly prohibited. Blunt probes are to be used instead.
Do not share the laboratory combination with anyone! Do not allow any unauthorized person entry into the laboratory!
You will be assigned a locker to place your clothes and personal belongings while you are in the lab. The locker area must be kept clean and orderly at all times. When the anatomy course is complete, you will be given notice to clear any personal items from your lockers. Afterward, any remaining items will be discarded.
Last modified: 07/15/2024.