Yong Wan, PhD
Professor of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Contact Dr. Wan
PhD: Cornell University, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry (1997)
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Harvard University, Proteolysis/Cancer Biology (2003)

Yueming Zhu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Yueming's research interest centers on molecular mechanisms of breast tumor progression, metastasis, and breast cancer treatment, particular from the aspects of genome stability, tumor immunology and drug development.

Xin Cui, PhD
Assistant Scientist

Nagendra Sastry Yarla, PhD
Assistant Scientist
Nagendra’s research interest focuses on posttranslational modifications, tumor immunology, oncogenic signaling, tumor microenvironment and anti-cancer therapies.

Amaduddin Khan, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Amad’s research interest focuses on posttranslational modifications, tumor immunology, oncogenic signaling and drug development.

Adedeji K. Adebayo, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Chi-Ju Kim, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Chi-Ju‘s research interests focus on exploring the dynamic interplay between malignant tumors and the tumor microenvironment ecosystem, particularly from the aspects of dysregulated posttranslational modifications.

Olena Odnokoz, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Olena's research interest focuses on the impact of posttranslational modifications in regulating tumor immunity, breast tumor progression and metastasis.

Lidan Zeng, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Lidan's research interest focuses on mechanisms of breast oncogenesis and breast cancer therapy with regards to posttranslational modifications, tumor immune response, genome stability and oncogenic signaling.

Jack (Junlong) Chi
Graduate Student
Jack's thesis project focuses on mechanisms of breast carcinogenesis and drug development, particularly from the aspects of mitotic progression and tumor immune checkpoint function.

Kevin Li
Undergraduate Student
Kevin’s research interest focuses on the regulation of oncogenic signaling by posttranslational modifications such as glycosylation and ubiquitylation in breast cancer and therapy.

Krisha Dave
Undergraduate Student
Krisha's research interest focuses on the impact of posttranslational modifications in regulating adipocytes, tumor immunity, breast tumor progression and metastasis.

Christopher Li
Undergraduate student
Christopher's research interest focuses on the impact of posttranslational modifications in regulating breast tumor progression and metastasis.

Haley Kwun
Undergraduate Student
Haley's research interest focuses on the impact of posttranslational modifications in regulating breast tumor progression and metastasis.
Previous Lab Members
Cindy Wavelet, PhD (Post-doctoral fellow)
Donghong Zhang, PhD (Instructor)
Xiaomeng Shi, MD, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Qiao Jiao (Research Specialist)