NIH/NINR - K23 - NR020037-01
A mixed methods approach to examining decisional needs and contextual factors influencing fertility status assessment outcomes among young female survivors of childhood cancer
Role: PI
NIH/NCI - U01CA246567
Implementation of a Provider-Focused Intervention for maximizing HPV Vaccine Uptake in Young Cancer Survivors Receiving Follow-Up Care in Pediatric Oncology Practices: A Cluster-Randomized Trial
Role: Intervention Specialist
MPI: Landier/Klosky
Department of Defense (DOD CA220681)
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs (GnRHa) and Protection of Ovarian Reserve in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Chow
NIH/NCI R25CA142519
Enriching Communication skills for Health professionals in Oncofertility and Trainers in Oncofertility Reproductive Communication and Health
Role: Consultant
MPI: Quinn/Vadaparampil