Selected Publications:
- FMRP attenuates activity dependent modifications in the mitochondrial proteome.
Mol Brain Volume: 14 Page(s): 75
04/30/2021 Authors: Blow P; Zlatic SA; Wenner PA; Bassell GJ; Faundez V - Divergent Synaptic Scaling of Miniature EPSCs following Activity Blockade in Dissociated Neuronal Cultures.
J Neurosci Volume: 40 Page(s): 4090 - 4102
05/20/2020 Authors: Hanes AL; Koesters AG; Fong M-F; Altimimi HF; Stellwagen D; Wenner P; Engisch KL - Homeostatic Intrinsic Plasticity Is Functionally Altered in Fmr1 KO Cortical Neurons.
Cell Rep Volume: 26 Page(s): 1378 - 1388.e3
02/05/2019 Authors: Blow P; Murphy TJ; Bassell GJ; Wenner P - Regulation of synaptic scaling by action potential-independent miniature neurotransmission.
J Neurosci Res Volume: 96 Page(s): 348 - 353
03/01/2018 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Blow P; Wenner P - Elevated intracellular Na+ concentrations in developing spinal neurons.
J Neurochem Volume: 140 Page(s): 755 - 765
03/01/2017 Authors: Lindsly C; Gonzalez-Islas C; Wenner P - Spontaneous Release Regulates Synaptic Scaling in the Embryonic Spinal Network In Vivo.
J Neurosci Volume: 36 Page(s): 7268 - 7282
07/06/2016 Authors: Garcia-Bereguiain MA; Gonzalez-Islas C; Lindsly C; Wenner P - Tonic nicotinic transmission enhances spinal GABAergic presynaptic release and the frequency of spontaneous network activity.
Dev Neurobiol Volume: 76 Page(s): 298 - 312
03/01/2016 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Garcia-Bereguiain MA; O'Flaherty B; Wenner P - Upward synaptic scaling is dependent on neurotransmission rather than spiking.
Nat Commun Volume: 6 Page(s): 6339
03/09/2015 Authors: Fong M-F; Newman JP; Potter SM; Wenner P - Homeostatic synaptic plasticity in developing spinal networks driven by excitatory GABAergic currents.
Neuropharmacology Volume: 78 Page(s): 55 - 62
03/01/2014 Authors: Wenner P - Activity blockade and GABAA receptor blockade produce synaptic scaling through chloride accumulation in embryonic spinal motoneurons and interneurons.
PLoS One Volume: 9 Page(s): e94559
01/01/2014 Authors: Lindsly C; Gonzalez-Islas C; Wenner P - In vivo synaptic scaling is mediated by GluA2-lacking AMPA receptors in the embryonic spinal cord.
J Neurosci Volume: 33 Page(s): 6791 - 6799
04/17/2013 Authors: Garcia-Bereguiain MA; Gonzalez-Islas C; Lindsly C; Butler E; Hill AW; Wenner P - The effects of endocannabinoid signaling on network activity in developing and motor circuits.
Ann N Y Acad Sci Volume: 1279 Page(s): 135 - 142
03/01/2013 Authors: Wenner P - Tonic and transient endocannabinoid regulation of AMPAergic miniature postsynaptic currents and homeostatic plasticity in embryonic motor networks.
J Neurosci Volume: 32 Page(s): 13597 - 13607
09/26/2012 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Garcia-Bereguiain MA; Wenner P - Motor development: activity matters after all.
Curr Biol Volume: 22 Page(s): R47 - R48
01/24/2012 Authors: Wenner P - Refuting the challenges of the developmental shift of polarity of GABA actions: GABA more exciting than ever!
Front Cell Neurosci Volume: 6 Page(s): 35
01/01/2012 Authors: Ben-Ari Y; Woodin MA; Sernagor E; Cancedda L; Vinay L; Rivera C; Legendre P; Luhmann HJ; Bordey A; Wenner P - Mechanisms of GABAergic homeostatic plasticity.
Neural Plast Volume: 2011 Page(s): 489470
01/01/2011 Authors: Wenner P - GABAergic synaptic scaling in embryonic motoneurons is mediated by a shift in the chloride reversal potential.
J Neurosci Volume: 30 Page(s): 13016 - 13020
09/29/2010 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Chub N; Garcia-Bereguiain MA; Wenner P - Role of spontaneous activity in the maturation of GABAergic synapses in embryonic spinal circuits
Developmental Plasticity of Inhibitory Circuitry Page(s): 27 - 39
01/01/2010 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas CE; Wenner P - Compensatory changes in cellular excitability, not synaptic scaling, contribute to homeostatic recovery of embryonic network activity.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume: 106 Page(s): 6760 - 6765
04/21/2009 Authors: Wilhelm JC; Rich MM; Wenner P - NKCC1 and AE3 appear to accumulate chloride in embryonic motoneurons.
J Neurophysiol Volume: 101 Page(s): 507 - 518
02/01/2009 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Chub N; Wenner P - Spontaneous Patterned Activity in Developing Neural Circuits
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience Page(s): 357 - 363
01/01/2009 Authors: Wenner P; Feller MB - GABAA transmission is a critical step in the process of triggering homeostatic increases in quantal amplitude.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume: 105 Page(s): 11412 - 11417
08/12/2008 Authors: Wilhelm JC; Wenner P - Imaging the spatiotemporal organization of neural activity in the developing spinal cord.
Dev Neurobiol Volume: 68 Page(s): 788 - 803
05/01/2008 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Bonnot A; Mentis GZ; Arai Y; Chub N; Shneider NA; Wenner P - Developmental reorganization of the output of a GABAergic interneuronal circuit.
J Neurophysiol Volume: 97 Page(s): 2769 - 2779
04/01/2007 Authors: Xu H; Clement A; Wright TM; Wenner P - Sensing and expressing homeostatic synaptic plasticity.
Trends Neurosci Volume: 30 Page(s): 119 - 125
03/01/2007 Authors: Rich MM; Wenner P - Developmental plasticity of inhibitory circuitry.
J Neurosci Volume: 26 Page(s): 10358 - 10361
10/11/2006 Authors: Pallas SL; Wenner P; Gonzalez-Islas C; Fagiolini M; Razak KA; Kim G; Sanes D; Roerig B - Spontaneous network activity in the embryonic spinal cord regulates AMPAergic and GABAergic synaptic strength.
Neuron Volume: 49 Page(s): 563 - 575
02/16/2006 Authors: Gonzalez-Islas C; Wenner P - Calcium imaging of network function in the developing spinal cord.
Cell Calcium Volume: 37 Page(s): 443 - 450
05/01/2005 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Bonnot A; Wenner P; Mentis GZ - Development of an inhibitory interneuronal circuit in the embryonic spinal cord.
J Neurophysiol Volume: 93 Page(s): 2922 - 2933
05/01/2005 Authors: Xu H; Whelan PJ; Wenner P - Mechanisms that initiate spontaneous network activity in the developing chick spinal cord.
J Neurophysiol Volume: 86 Page(s): 1481 - 1498
09/01/2001 Authors: Wenner P; O'Donovan MJ - Topographical and physiological characterization of interneurons that express engrailed-1 in the embryonic chick spinal cord.
J Neurophysiol Volume: 84 Page(s): 2651 - 2657
11/01/2000 Authors: Wenner P; O'Donovan MJ; Matise MP - The genesis of spontaneous activity in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo
06/01/2000 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Wenner P; Chub N; Tabak J; Whelan PJ; Rinzel J - Identification of an interneuronal population that mediates recurrent inhibition of motoneurons in the developing chick spinal cord.
J Neurosci Volume: 19 Page(s): 7557 - 7567
09/01/1999 Authors: Wenner P; O'Donovan MJ - Activity patterns and synaptic organization of ventrally located interneurons in the embryonic chick spinal cord.
J Neurosci Volume: 19 Page(s): 3457 - 3471
05/01/1999 Authors: Ritter A; Wenner P; Ho S; Whelan PJ; O'Donovan MJ - Spontaneous network activity transiently depresses synaptic transmission in the embryonic chick spinal cord.
J Neurosci Volume: 19 Page(s): 2102 - 2112
03/15/1999 Authors: Fedirchuk B; Wenner P; Whelan PJ; Ho S; Tabak J; O'Donovan MJ - Physiological and molecular characterization of interneurons in the developing spinal cord.
Ann N Y Acad Sci Volume: 860 Page(s): 425 - 427
11/16/1998 Authors: Wenner P; Matise MP; Joyner A; O'Donovan MJ - Mechanisms of spontaneous activity in the developing spinal cord and their relevance to locomotion.
Ann N Y Acad Sci Volume: 860 Page(s): 130 - 141
11/16/1998 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Wenner P; Chub N; Tabak J; Rinzel J - Mechanisms of spontaneous activity in developing spinal networks.
J Neurobiol Volume: 37 Page(s): 131 - 145
10/01/1998 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Chub N; Wenner P - Mechanisms of spontaneous activity in developing spinal networks
JOURNAL OF NEUROBIOLOGY Volume: 37 Page(s): 131 - 145
10/01/1998 Authors: O'Donovan MJ; Wenner P - Calcitonin gene-related peptide: distribution and effects on spontaneous rhythmic activity in embryonic chick spinal cord.
Brain Res Dev Brain Res Volume: 106 Page(s): 47 - 55
03/12/1998 Authors: Carr PA; Wenner P - Neuromuscular development in the avian paralytic mutant crooked neck dwarf (cn/cn): further evidence for the role of neuromuscular activity in motoneuron survival.
J Comp Neurol Volume: 381 Page(s): 353 - 372
05/12/1997 Authors: Oppenheim RW; Prevette D; Houenou LJ; Pincon-Raymond M; Dimitriadou V; Donevan A; O'Donovan M; Wenner P; Mckemy DD; Allen PD - Neuromuscular development in the avian paralytic mutant crooked neck dwarf (cn/cn): Further evidence for the role of neuromuscular activity in motoneuron survival
JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY Volume: 381 Page(s): 353 - 372
05/12/1997 Authors: Oppenheim RW; Prevette D; Houenou LJ; PinconRaymond M; Dimitriadou V; Donevan A; ODonovan M; Wenner P; McKemy DD; Allen PD - Dye screening and signal-to-noise ratio for retrogradely transported voltage-sensitive dyes.
J Neurosci Methods Volume: 70 Page(s): 121 - 129
12/28/1996 Authors: Tsau Y; Wenner P; O'Donovan MJ; Cohen LB; Loew LM; Wuskell JP - Voltage-sensitive dye recording using retrogradely transported dye in the chicken spinal cord: staining and signal characteristics.
J Neurosci Methods Volume: 70 Page(s): 111 - 120
12/28/1996 Authors: Wenner P; Tsau Y; Cohen LB; O'Donovan MJ; Dan Y - Peripheral target specification of synaptic connectivity of muscle spindle sensory neurons with spinal motoneurons.
J Neurosci Volume: 15 Page(s): 8191 - 8198
12/01/1995 Authors: Wenner P; Frank E