Urodynamics are a combination of several tests, which provide information about your lower urinary tract. It is often used to find out what is causing bladder problems, like incontinence and problems with bladder emptying. Urodynamics will tell your doctor what happens when your bladder fills up and when it empties. During the test, you will be catheterized at least once, which means a small tube will be placed in your urethra and bladder. Your bladder will be filled one or more times with sterile water. Muscle activity in your pelvis will be recorded during the tests by small electrodes, similar to those used to do an EKG.
Preparation for Urodynamics
It is important to have a full bladder when you arrive for the studies; please be ready to urinate!
There are no special preparations or food restrictions for this test. You may wish to bring extra protective undergarment pads for replacement after the test. We will explain to you what is being done throughout the test to help you remain relaxed and as comfortable as possible. The entire procedure takes about 1 hour.
A urodynamic evaluation often includes the following tests:
- Cystometrogram/Electromyogram (CMG/EMG)
This test involves filling your bladder, through a catheter, with sterile water. We will ask you when you feel the urge to urinate and when your bladder feels completely full. Pelvic muscle activity will be recorded. You may be asked to urinate through the catheter.
- Urethral Pressure Profile
Also called UPP, this test provides the doctor with information about your urethra. A small catheter, the same one used for the CMG, will be slowly pulled out of your bladder. Pressures inside your urethra will be recorded as the catheter is pulled out. It is important for you to stay as relaxed as possible so that a true reading is obtained; otherwise, falsely elevated pressures may result.
- Uro Flow
You will be asked to void into a special toilet that will record the pattern of your urine stream on a graph and the amount of time it takes you to void. This is done using the electrodes we have already described and will tell the doctor about your flow rate. The amount of urine left in your bladder after you void, called the residual urine, will also be recorded. It is important that you do not have a bowel movement into the special toilet during the flow rate test.
After Urodynamics
You will be able to drive yourself home after this procedure. You may bring someone to drive you if you would like. Drink plenty of fluids after your testing to prevent burning on urination. You may experience increased frequency or urgency of urination or burning inside the urethra (usually 2 – 6 hours). You may also have some minimal blood in your urine for a short time. Be sure to notify the doctor if you experience fever, chills, severe bleeding or severe discomfort after the testing. These symptoms rarely occur.
Office number: (404) 778-3401, Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 5PM
For emergencies after hours calling this number will connect you to the paging operator who will page the OBGYN doctor on call.
If your pain becomes severe, or your fever rises above 100.5oF in the 3 days following the procedure, you should call the OBGYN doctor on call or go to the emergency room.
How long will it take to get my results?
It should take 1-2 weeks to get your results. You may receive your results one of three ways:
- An office visit with your doctor
- A phone call from your doctor or nurse
- Through your secure Emory Healthcare portal
If you do not have your results after 2 weeks, please call the office at the number listed above.