Goals, Objectives, & Outcome
This 24-month track will support residents & fellows to gain the knowledge, skills, and methods necessary to: (a) effectively address the social determinants of health and (b) advocate for health policies that address them systemically to further health equity.
Learning Objectives:
- To obtain knowledge about the social determinants of health, health equity, and health policy.
- To effectively address the social determinants of health at the patient and healthcare system levels.
- To hone advocacy skills at the local, state, and/or national levels.
Upon completion of the track, residents will be awarded a certificate of distinction in Health Equity, Advocacy, and Policy from Emory University School of Medicine.
- Core Curriculum
- Independent learning [e.g., assigned reading, online modules]
- Social Medicine elective [1-month, full-time course – available in Feb or March only]
- Small Group Learning [Quarterly – format will vary: case-based learning, journal club, field trip, etc.] – Location and time will vary and may include evenings and/or weekends
- Experiential Learning
- Social Determinants Experience
- Attend home visits*
- Community tour of important resources throughout Atlanta*
- Fulfill 15 hours of community service over 2 years
- Teaching opportunities at the School of Medicine
- Social Determinants Experience
- Advocacy/Policy Experience
- Advocacy at the state capitol*
- Letter to the editor and/or policy memo assignments*
- Project
- Identify a mentor, optimally within your department
- Submit a project proposal
- Complete research, quality improvement, or meaningful contribution to ongoing community work
- Presentation poster and/or oral presentation at the Emory Social Medicine Forum, annually in March
*Completed during the elective month.
Proposed Topics:
- Social determinants of health (poverty, race, education, health literacy, privilege, etc)
- Health disparities
- Community resources
- Health systems and insurance
- Health policy
- Advocacy
Tentative schedule:
Year 1:August - Orientation to Track
November - Small Group Session 1: Social Determinants of Health
January - Small Group Session 2: Advocacy Strategies 101 and the Upcoming Legislative Session
February - Social Medicine elective*
March - Social Medicine elective*
April - Small Group Session 3: Health Policy 101 and a Review of the Legislative Session
June - Small Group Session 4: Health Disparities, Race, and Bias
Year 2:
August - Poverty Simulator
November - Small Group Session 5: Community Resources
January - Small Group Session 6: Advocacy Strategies 201 and the Upcoming Legislative Session
February - Social Medicine elective*
March - Social Medicine elective;* Present project at the Emory Social Medicine forum
April - Small Group Session 7: Health Policy 201 and a Review of the Legislative Session
June - Small Group Session 8: Incorporating Health Equity, Advocacy, and Policy into your Career
*Participate in one of these months
Application Process
The application must include the following components:
- A personal statement describing why you would like to participate in the residency track, your interest in Health Equity, Advocacy, and Policy, and your expected goals and outcomes. The personal statement should be no more than 1 page or 750 words.
- A brief letter of support from the Program Director. A letter of support from the applicant's program director must be included as part of the application process. The letter should indicate support for the resident's participation in the Health Equity, Advocacy, and Policy track including allowing the resident to attend the required quarterly Small Group sessions and the full-time Social Medicine elective in February or March of one of the years of the program.
Please submit your application to Dr. Sar Silber Medoff no later than March 15 for consideration to join the cohort starting in July.