ERSA Mission

Our purpose is to build a rich and vibrant research community that will provide excellence in research at Emory.

Our vision

  • Strive to promote communication within the diverse research community and other components of the university.
  • Promote a collaborative atmosphere which will create an innovative and productive research environment, providing a strong knowledge base and foundation for research at Emory.
  • Educate and keep the research staff members informed regarding resources and policies at Emory that encompass safety/compliance, and Emory Core facilities and services.

An Introduction

Established in January 2006, the Emory Research Staff Association (ERSA) is an Emory University cross-departmental organization committed to building a rich and vibrant research community.  ERSA serves the goal of making Emory a destination University for scientific advancement by supporting the development and retention of the research staff.

ERSA was initiated by Human Resources with the goals of decreasing research staff turnover and increasing retention of experienced staff members.  ERSA endeavors to support these goals for the research community in several ways including:

  • maintaining institutional memory, research continuity and expertise
  • supporting the retention and development of specialized research professionals
  • reducing the cost of recruiting, hiring, and training new research staff
  • providing information and networking opportunities for research staff 

In recent years, Emory has experienced a tremendous growth in research funding.  With that growth, comes the need for experienced research staff that can support future research endeavors of the University.  Experienced research staff adds value in competing for research funds. ERSA provides  a venue for these goals.

Volunteer for ERSA

  • Be a building representative
  • Collect content for the website
  • Find and update campus supply centers
  • Recruit speakers for meetings
  • Welcome new research employees
  • Advocate for employee safety