General Policies

We expect professional conduct at all times during the OPEX experience.  This includes professional dress and timely attendance.  Importantly, we expect that students will conduct themselves in a professional and caring manner when interacting with patients, families, and colleagues.  We hope that you to be truly appreciative to your patients and your preceptors for the clinical learning they provide and be a positive representative of yourself, the profession, and Emory School of Medicine.

Dress Code 

(See your student handbook for additional information and guidelines)

  • Your student ID should be worn and be visible at all times.
  • Your dress should be professional, business casual.  No jeans
  • White coats- clean and pressed
  • Body art, piercings and tattoos should not be visible or not worn during this experience
  • For Ladies, skirts should be a professional length; midriffs should be covered; stockings should be worn with any open toe shoes; i.e., no sandals.
  • Males should wear an appropriate shirt and tie with dress casual slacks.


  • Attendance is mandatory.  Students should be at their sites on the dates and at the times as assigned.  Contact your office or preceptor if you are running late or if there is an unexpected absence.  You should consider that this is your private practice.  For example, your responsibility to your patients does not stop because there is an upcoming test.  Clinic requirements are not canceled the week before an exam.  Please manage your study time accordingly.
  • Only the Dean’s office can grant an “excused” absence. There is a list in the handbook of what kinds of situations constitute valid reasons for an excused absence. The preceptors are not allowed to give students permission to be absent.
  • In the event you are ill (and therefore absent) or late, or there is some other irregularity in your attendance or timeliness, please inform Dr. Bussey-Jones and/or LaQuanda Jackson, as well as your preceptor,  as soon as possible.

Evaluation and Grades

  • Preceptors will NOT be grading students.  They will be evaluating you by providing you with on-going feedback.  The preceptors will complete three evaluations during the year noting your progress.  A copy of this evaluation is included at the end of this syllabus.
  • Students will be required to do evaluations of their site/preceptors and of OPEX.  These are to be completed on One 45. 

Your performance on the written exam, the reflection paper, your discussion in small group, and your evaluation (Pass-Fail), will all be included in your final Becoming a Doctor grade.   Additionally, this year, we may be participating in the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Professionalism assessment of each student.

The actual percentage breakdown of the grade will be given to the students later.  The components of the grade are:

  • Written examination
  • Small group participation
  • Home visit report
  • Reflection paper(s)
  • Evaluations – PASS required

Monthly didactic sessions are being scheduled on Tuesday afternoon to teach and reinforce the clinical aspects of caring for the primary care patient.  These will correlate with the materials being presented in the corresponding block.  This information will be included in the written examination.