Provided by: Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program (and multiple partners)
Who’s eligible: Researchers aiming to innovate for one (or more) of four Atlanta healthcare institutions
The Georgia CTSA Pilot Grants fund teams developing innovation in healthcare quality, costs and/or access. Teams should have more than one investigator and be multi-disciplinary.
Funding supports 1- to 2-year pilot projects reflecting with the broad aims and objectives of the Georgia CTSA. Pilot projects represent preliminary, preparatory or feasibility studies designed to assess new technologies, protocols, data collection instruments or subject recruitment strategies as stepping-stones toward a full, hypothesis-testing investigation.
Preliminary Study Grants ($25,000 for one year only) allow investigators to generate preliminary data to facilitate a later submission of health services research grants for external funding.
Complete Project Grants ($25,000 up to two years) enable investigators to answer specific questions addressing healthcare quality, cost, access or clinical effectiveness at Emory Healthcare, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Grady and/or Winship.