Provided by: Emory Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)
Who’s eligible: All Emory employees with a potential invention, innovation or idea for a product
If you made a discovery or invented something that has market potential – congratulations. Your next step is to file a disclosure with Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer.
And good news – you can skip the paper forms and file through IdeaGate, Emory OTT”s online portal for innovation disclosure. (If you prefer paper or pdfs, that’s fine – OTT accepts those, too.)
Why you need to do this: Emory OTT must explore whether your idea has already been protected, what the market around the idea looks like, or if a comparable innovation already exists as a product or service.
What you need: A valid Emory Net ID to access the portal. (Note: If you prefer to file your disclosure with a paper form, you can do that, too – download the form here.)