Four talented residents and two fellows graduated on June 23, 2019, officially ending their time with the Emory Department of Urology. Family and friends from around the country convened at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History to celebrate the graduation of residents Louis Aliperti, MD, Dean Laganosky, MD, Amar Patel, MD, and Vitaly Zholudev, MD, as well as fellows Madeline Cancian, MD, and Aylin Bilgutay, MD. The evening was highlighted by the presentation of four highly coveted awards.
The William Hollis Cooner Award is given annually to an Emory Urology resident who has best emulated the compassion and care for patients exhibited by William Hollis Cooner, MD, one of the most widely acclaimed and honored urologists of the twentieth century. The 2019 recipient was Dr. Dean Laganosky.
PGY-5 Mohammed Said, MD, received the Outstanding Resident Academic Achievement Award, which recognizes residents for exceptional academic, research, and scholarly successes. These efforts include well-regarded abstracts and publications, as well as prizes earned at local, regional, and national conferences.
Emory Urology's Distinguished Alumni Award recognize alumni of the Emory University School of Medicine, graduates of Emory Urology, and/or Emory Urology faculty members for their outstanding contributions toward advancing the field of urology. Chad Ritenour, MD, Emory professor of urology and chief medical officer of Emory University Hospital, garnered the award this year.
Dr. Ritenour established the Emory Men's Health Urology Center, a program offering comprehensive evaluation and treatment of conditions such as male infertility, sexual dysfunction, and prostatic conditions, building it into a premier program that serves patients from Georgia, neighboring states, and other countries. He received his medical degree at the Medical College of Virginia. After completing his urology residency at Emory, he joined our faculty. He served as the president of the Georgia Urological Association in 2010 and on the Board of Directors of the Southeast Section of the American Urological Association from 2009-2012.
Recipients of the Emory Urology Teaching Award are selected by the chief residents to honor faculty members that best supported their journey to resident graduation through teaching, mentorship, professionalism, and innovation. Kenneth Ogan, MD, was the honoree in 2019.