School of Medicine I3 Award for Genetic Imaging Research
Dr. Steven Liang, associate professor, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, has teamed up with Dr. Honjie Yan, professor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, to study genetic, behavioral and functional imaging of disease-associated GRIN genetic variation in animal models. The award provides $100k for one year.
Patent Awarded for PET Image Denoising
Dr. Chuan Huang received patent number 11,540,798 for his "Dilated Convolutional Neural Network System and Method for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Denoising."
$9.6 Million Award for Visualizing Disease Effects on Brain Function
A multidisciplinary research team led by Steven Liang, PhD, has received two federal grants to develop probes for visualizing in real time the effects of Alzheimer's disease and autism spectrum disorder on brain function.
Just Published
Preparing for the AI Revolution in Nuclear Cardiology
A number of new artificial intelligence (AI) applications in nuclear cardiology portend an oncoming tsunami for which health-care systems must be prepared -- both technically and socioeconomically.
MIDH Emerges as Promising Tool for Disease Impact Assessment
Using COVID data, researchers find multi-institutional data harvesting (MIDH) is a promising tool for understanding the impacts of diseases like COVID on the national health-care system.
Structural Brain Changes from Injury Correlate with PTSD in Civilian Patients
This study examines positive correlations between mild traumatic brain injury-related brain changes and PTSD symptoms in non-military patients.
Demographic Reporting Across a Decade of Neuroimaging
Diversity of participants in biomedical research is crucial but a systematic review finds significant and concerning gaps.
Impact of Faster CT Scanner on Pediatric Sedation
A two-site retrospective study suggests faster image acquisition time using dual-source dual-energy CT scanners decreases the need for deep sedation.
Nanoparticles Improve Tumor Treatment
A novel model using nanoparticles to deliver brain tumor therapeutics is so exciting it's the cover story in the July issue of Advanced Healthcare Materials. The work comes from the lab of Dr. Hui Mao.
Brain Tumor Imaging with Sub-5 nm Nanoparticles
The team from Dr. Hui Mao's lab demonstrate the viability of using sub-5 nm magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles to image brain tumors using MRI. The work is so exciting, it grabbed the cover of the July 22 issue of Applied Nano Materials.
Provider Technology, Fatigue, and Well-being
This scoping review explores the relationships among technology, fatigue, and health care to improve the conditions for providers.
AI Recognition of Patient Race in Medical Imaging: A Modelling Study
Can computers figure out your race by looking at your wrist bones or lungs? Yes, according to a study just published in The Lancet Digital Health. The bigger issue is how they do it.
Artificial Intelligence in Cardiothoracic Imaging
Provides a thorough overview of the future potential and current applications of artificial intelligence in cardiothoracic imaging, with contributions from both radiologists and IT professionals.
In the News
Resident-Led Research
RSNA Resident Research Grant
Joshua Brown, MD, PhD, has received an RSNA Resident Research Grant to investigate the potential for glutamate chemical exchange saturation transfer (GluCEST) imaging by 3T MRI to detect drug-resistant, non-lesional epilepsy currently missed by conventional imaging.

Emory I3 Nexus Research Award
Maxwell Cooper, MD, and John T. Moon, MD, with faculty mentor Zachary Bercu, MD, RPVI, received a $125,000 two-year grant to develop continuous, wireless monitoring of arteriovenous endografts (AVGs) using nano-membrane sensors. The goal? Early detection and treatment of graft complications. Collaborators include Dr. Victoria Teodorescu of the Emory Department of Vascular Surgery, and Dr. Woon Hong Yeo, sensor inventor, of Georgia Tech.