The Imaging Biomarker Development and Translation Team excels in cutting-edge, innovative, and scholarly scientific research on the design, synthesis, characterization, evaluation, and validation of MR, PET, SPECT, and optical imaging probes and technologies to fill unmet needs in healthcare and precision medicine. Our overarching goal is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by using advanced imaging technology and engineering tools.
Our interdisciplinary teams are (1) performing the highest quality scientific research in biomarker discovery and biomarker-targeted imaging for oncology, cardiology, psychiatry, neurology, and infectious diseases; (2) translating new imaging probes from bench-to-bedside for the biomarker-specific diagnosis and individualized management of diseases; and (3) developing the next generation of biomarker and imaging probe scientists and clinicians. We serve Emory University as well as the national and international scientific communities with a rich environment and world-class research expertise.
Laboratories and faculty of the Imaging Biomarker Development and Translation Team are currently working on PET tracers of alicyclic and branched chain amino acids for detecting intracranial and systemic tumors; cocaine analogs for imaging the dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine reuptake sites in neurodegenerative disease as well as psychiatric and addictive disorders; heterocyclic analogs for mapping CRF1, oxytocin, and vasopressin receptors in psychiatric disorders; oligosaccharides for imaging bacterial infections; intercalating agents for imaging atherosclerotic plaque; multifunctional nanoparticles for targeted MR, optical, and photoacoustic imaging as well as image-guided drug delivery for biomarker validation and biomarker targeted diagnosis and treatment. The metabolite imaging and metabolomics additionally are applied for biomarker discovery.