There are three pathways to interventional radiology training at Emory.
Emory Interventional Radiology - Integrated Residency:
The Interventional Radiology Integrated Residency Program (IR-I residency) spans five years following a transitional year internship. Training is identical to diagnostic radiology residency (DR) training for the first three years. In the fourth year (PGY-5, IRI-4), training concentrates on the clinical and procedural aspects of interventional radiology practice. Clinical rotations in the IRI-4 year include vascular surgery, transplant hepatology, surgical ICU, critical care/pulmonary ICU, medical oncology, and medical consultation services. The IRI-4 year allows time to complete any remaining requirements in order to sit for the diagnostic radiology boards. The IRI-5 year is a concentrated year of procedural interventional radiology with emphasis on providing excellent longitudinal patient care.
Emory Interventional Radiology - Independent Residency:
The Independent Interventional Radiology Residency program is an ACGME-approved fellowship-equivalent training program of up to two years. The training covers all clinical and procedural aspects of interventional radiology practice, including vascular surgery, transplant hepatology, surgical ICU, critical care/pulmonary ICU, medical oncology, and medical consultation services. Trainees may enter the program after completing a four-year diagnostic radiology residency program, or it is possible to enter the IR Independent residency if the resident qualifies as ESIR (see below).
Application is through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).

Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology (ESIR):
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) has stipulated that diagnostic radiology residents who complete approved ESIR education and satisfy the interventional radiology procedural requirements, to include a minimum of 500 patient procedural encounters, will be eligible to start in an advanced (second-year) position in the independent interventional radiology program to which they match. Emory University's Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program has received and been approved for the ESIR Designation.
Application is made through the diagnostic radiology residency program in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
What are the ESIR residency program requirements?
The approved ESIR residency program requirements are posted on the ACGME website.
IR/DR certification:
Graduates of an interventional radiology residency are qualified to take the IR/DR examination offered by the American Board of Radiology (ABR). The IR/DR certificate recognizes competency in both diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Certificate holders can practice both diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.