Emory Radiology, including the Diagnostic Radiology Residency and the Radiology Research Track, is committed to recruiting a diverse group of the most highly qualified radiology applicants. The program values diversity across all areas, including gender, race/ethnicity, geographic background, and research background and interests. Applicants are evaluated as part of a holistic review process with no specific cutoff for board scores (i.e. USMLE).
Applicants typically have at least some research experience, and research experience and prior productivity are factored into the interview selection and ranking process. However, a wide range of applicants have been considered and accepted in the past, and no mandatory amount of prior research experience is required. If you have an interest in pursuing academic radiology with an interest in research, you are encouraged to apply.
There are 2 radiology residency track Match spots per year.
Application Process

The Emory Radiology Research Track accepts applications through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Please follow the instructions below.
- Apply to the Emory Radiology Residency through ERAS.
- Select “Research Track” in addition to the main Diagnostic Radiology Residency.
- No additional materials are required. Please follow the application deadlines for the Diagnostic Radiology residency.
Application tips: While no specific research track materials are needed, you are encouraged to briefly address your interest in radiology research in your personal statement. If you have extensive research experience (such as a Master’s degree or PhD), a recommendation letter from your previous mentor may also be beneficial.
Diagnostic Radiology/Interventional Radiology Integrated Residency
At this point in time, the combined DR/IR residency has specific requirements and time constraints to fulfill during a 5-year combined residency and fellowship. These requirements limit successful completion of the research program and the clinical DR/IR program. For this reason, it is not possible to simultaneously be in the DR/IR program and the Research Track.
After applications are received, candidates will be reviewed with qualified candidates invited to complete interviews. Interviews will be conducted from October-January via Zoom.
Applicants will typically be invited to interview on the afternoon the day of their Diagnostic Radiology interview. The interview will consist of the following:
- Brief introduction to the program by one of the program faculty;
- Each applicant will give a brief research presentation of approximately 10 minutes; and
- You will have 2-3 breakout interviews of 10-15 minutes with 1-2 faculty members per interview.
Interviews are relatively casual and are as much an opportunity for you to learn about our program and faculty as they are for us to learn about you. One major goal of the interview is to help you learn if our program is a good match for your career goals and interests.
Research Presentation
During the interview, you should be prepared to give an approximately 10-minute presentation about your prior research experience. On the day of the interview, you will present this to the program faculty/interviewers as well as any other applicants present (typically 1-4 applicants per interview day). You should present your work at a level that other physicians or scientists who are medical and research experts, although not necessarily in your field, would be able to understand. The goal is to give us an overview of your experience and demonstrate that you have a firm scientific grasp of the prior project you worked on.
Many applicants choose to present the single research project in which they spent the most time, although others have successfully covered more than one project if they have had a diverse range of research experience. It is important to consider such concepts as how your prior research experience sparked your interest in radiology research and what type of research you might want to perform in your residency, although it is not necessary to present a detailed future plan.
After completing your interviews at Emory along with your other interviews, you should prepare your rank list as part of the National Residency Match Program (NRMP). The Radiology Residency Track has a separate match number from the Diagnostic Radiology Residency, and you can rank both in your order of preference. It is possible to match the Diagnostic Radiology Residency without matching the Research track. It may be possible to enter the Research Track program after starting the Diagnostic Residency Program on the clinical track; however, these opportunities are limited because of time and resource limitations.
If you have questions about the research track, including the application process or interviews, please contact program director, Brent Weinberg, MD, PhD.