Xingming Deng, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair in Cancer Biology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Emory University School of Medicine
An accomplished cancer researcher, Xingming Deng, MD, PhD, works to develop new agents and strategies for treating lung cancer and head and neck cancer by targeting apoptosis and DNA repair signaling pathways.
Dr. Deng received his MD/PhD at Hunan Medical University and Beijing Medical University in China. He completed his postdoctoral training in Molecular Biology at University of Texas.
Dr. Deng has been the recipient of numerous research grants, including Clinical Innovator Awards from Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute, NASA research grant, and several R01 grants from NIH/NCI. He has served on several national and international grant review panels.
As a teacher and mentor, Dr. Deng has helped to educate and motivate the next generation of cancer biologists and researchers.