Currently, the set of available reference data and downloadable image sets consists of thoracic 4DCT images and CT image pairs from COPDgene study archive. We will update the library as more cases are added, and will inform all of our registered users as they become available.
Downloads are provided as a compressed ZIP file for each case. Each set of images is provided in Pinnacle TPS raw *.img format (Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA). All images are 16-bit integer class. Reference coordinate information is provided in text file format. Each text file is associated with a single image volume, and contains a list of XYZ coordinate feature positions within the associated image. For each case, rows correspond to the same landmark feature.
View PDF form for details regarding the coordinate system, and the image1-image2 correspondence.
For all cases, coordinate information is provided for a uniform sample of 300 of the total quantity of landmarks reported. These points can be used to derive 300 individual measurements of DIR spatial accuracy for each case. Currently, the complete sets of landmark pairs are not available for download. For error assessment over all landmarks, investigators are free to submit DIR solutions, which we will evaluate to provide customized feedback for performance assessment.