Collaborating to Heal Addiction and Mental Health in Primary Care (CHAMP)
The gold-standard intervention for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). Because more patients with OUD need access to MOUD in primary care, the investigators are testing whether the Collaborative Care model (CoCM) is effective at treating both mental health disorders (MHD) and OUD concurrently in primary care settings. The intervention is CoCM for MHD and OUD. The active control is CoCM for MHD, but not treating OUD. The primary objective is to compare patient-reported outcomes in the intervention and control groups, and will be tested with in an Effectiveness trial. The secondary objective is to compare the detection of OUD pre- versus post-OUD screening implementation, and will be tested using a Pre-Post trial design. The exploratory objective is to compare intervention clinics randomized to a low-intensity sustainability implementation strategy or a high-intensity sustainability strategy, and will be tested in an Implementation trial. Learn more about this trial.
PI: Brandon Kitay, MD, PhD
Non-invasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Opioid Use Disorders
This study looks at non-invasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation (nVNS) in patients with Opioid Use Disorders (OUDs). Our prior studies showed that nVNS blocks sympathetic responses to traumatic scripts in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Patients with OUDs in withdrawal, similar to PTSD patients, have increased peripheral sympathetic nervous system function that leads to withdrawal symptoms, like racing heart, dry mouth, anxiety, pale dry skin, and so on. By blocking this response we hope to alleviate withdrawal and promote recovery. We are looking for OUD patients in withdrawal, either seeking treatment or otherwise. There are two studies, both involving nVNS compared to a sham stimulation while viewing videos of using opioids, one involves measurement of autonomic function, the other brain imaging and measurement of biomarkers in blood.
Contact: Patty Alavi Email (404) 712-8091