Second Annual Alumni/Trainee Mix & Mingle (1/24/25)

We hosted our second Mix and Mingle event, bringing together current trainees and alumni. This event provided a great opportunity for trainees to network, gain career insights and explore job opportunities while allowing alumni to reconnect and stay updated on Emory’s training programs.
Alumni/Trainee Mix & Mingle (1/19/24)

We hosted an inaugural mix and mingle event for our current trainees and alums from our residency and fellowship programs. This event provided trainees with opportunities to network with our alumni and learn about their work setting, as well as to receive tips on career development and the job hunt. It was also a fun way for our graduates to reconnect with alumni and learn about updates on training at Emory.
APA Federal Advocacy Conference (10/16-17/23)
Dr. Holton, Dr. Jones and Dr. Perna ventured to Washington, DC, to represent psychiatrists in Georgia at the APA Federal Advocacy Conference. This was a unique opportunity to get top notch formal experience and training in how to effectively political advocate for our patients at the highest level.
Our team was trained by the APA lobbying team on the current APA legislative agenda, the rationale for the bills and how to prepare and deliver a political pitch to congressional staff. They also met with members of Congress and their staffers to discuss the legislation and make legislative asks.
VeloCity – Move for Grady (5/7/2022)

VeloCity is a cycling/running/walking event held at the beautiful Bouckaert Farm in Chattahoochee Hills. Participating in this event is a fun way to raise funds for Grady Hospital, ensuring quality healthcare is available to all in our community.
Music and the Brain (2/11/2020)

The second event in the Psychiatry and the Humanities Series was “Music and the Brain” which featured a performance by the Gary Motley Trio. Gary is Director of Jazz Studies at Emory and a master jazz pianist. The performance was followed by a talk on music and the brain by Paul Lennard, the Director of the Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Program in the College. A Q&A session followed.
Psychiatry and Poetry: Evening with Jericho Brown, MFA, PhD (11/12/2019)

The Emory University educational series, “Psychiatry and the Humanities” explores the intersection of the arts and the sciences. The purpose of this series is to bring together people from across the University to create synergies between the arts and the sciences at Emory. The inaugural event focused on the connection between poetry and psychiatry. Poet Jericho Brown, Professor and Director of the Creative Writing Program at Emory University and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his latest collection, “The Tradition,” joined Andrew Furman and colleagues from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Brown read his poetry followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session.
Visit with Kay Redfield Jamison (10/23/2018)

Kay Redfield Jamison, PhD, is the Dalio Professor in Mood Disorders, Professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She is the author of national best sellers, including An Unquiet Mind. Dr. Jamison has a unique perspective as she is both a psychiatric expert in bipolar disorder and also writes about her own experiences living with bipolar disorder. Dr. Jamison visited our department and spoke about the life of Robert Lowell, poet and patient. In addition, she met with our trainees to provide an “up close and personal” interaction with a legend in the field of bipolar disorder.