The mission of the Wellness Subcommittee is to promote the wellbeing of faculty, trainees and staff within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. As a group we value healthy eating, regular exercise and habitual practice of stress reduction techniques as strategies for maintaining wellness. We strive to create an environment conducive to social networking to help faculty maintain health behaviors. While attention to individual wellness is important, this committee also serves as a voice to administration and leadership to look for opportunities in the work place and in the work flow to promote job satisfaction and minimize burnout.
- Promote healthy behaviors within the department by serving as ambassadors of wellness
- Utilize expertise in understanding human thought and behavior to motivate change towards, and practice of, healthy behaviors
- Remind and encourage faculty to utilize health habits
- Plan community activities that promote wellness
- Contribute to discussions regarding work place and work flow so to minimize stressors that needless detract from job satisfaction or lead to burnout