Welcome to the Mao Lab
The ability to mount a proper response to physiological and pathological stress is central to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. This is particularly important to long-lived postmitotic cells such as neurons. It is well known that dysfunction of stress response underlies many neurological disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We direct our efforts to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal stress response.

The ability to mount a proper response to physiological and pathological stress is central to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. This is particularly important to long-lived postmitotic cells such as neurons. It is well known that dysfunction of stress response underlies many neurological disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We direct our efforts to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal stress response with the following specific focuses.
Career Opportunities
Several postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Zixu Mao in the Departments of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology & Neurology at Emory University School of Medicine.
The laboratory seeks motivated individuals with training, research experience, and/or interest in molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, signal transduction, neuroimmunology, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Please send inquiry and application (CV, research interest, and contact information) to Dr. Zixu Mao.