Research Area #2: Targeting of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis using a novel immunotherapy to alter stress-related disorders
We have developed a high affinity antibody that selectively targets CRF the apex regulator of the HPA axis and blunts downstream HPA axis activity in a dose dependent fashion. Long-lasting durable suppression persists for 6-8 half-lives of the antibody in mice. This antibody has a highly favorable target engagement profile compared to numerous small molecule strategies in terms of multi-level suppression of HPA axis activity. We are evaluating the potential efficacy of this antibody in Alzheimer’s disease, metabolic disorders and obesity and cancer. These studies have bene led in the lab by a former MD PhD student Dr. Hunter Futch and a current MD Student Zachary Krumm.
Key Publications: Futch et al JEM 2019, Futch et al Mol Neurodegeneration 2018.