Dr. Tyler Beyett
The Beyett Lab is almost one year old now! Research Specialists Lucy Robbie and Dani Ortiz-Salazar were the lab’s first two members and were instrumental in purchasing supplies and getting everything up and running. With the start of the fall semester, we added five undergraduate researchers to the lab, who have been assisting with getting the ball rolling on several group projects and beginning work on their own independent projects. Earlier this year, Kristos Negrón Terón joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow after completing his PhD at Purdue University. We also currently have a PhD rotation student, Alex Roy, from the MSP program.
We have been hard at work on studying an unusual protein regulator of phosphatases (publications in the works) and recently initiated a collaboration with the Structural Genomics Consortium to identify novel chemical probes for this phosphatase regulator. This week, we have our first X-ray beamtime and have our fingers crossed that our many beautiful crystals diffract well. We will be presenting this work at the upcoming ASPET meeting. Lastly, we are starting a collaboration with the lab of Simon Blakey in our Chemistry Department to explore how new chemical reactivities can be incorporated into kinase inhibitors to improve upon their pharmacological properties.