NHLBI: R03HL164333
Nonpharmacological Treatment Effects on Proinflammatory Biomarkers among Youth with Chronic Sickle Cell Pain
Goals: This project will begin to identify key proinflammatory biomarkers associated with chronic sickle cell pain that can be targeted and modified through non-pharmacological treatment approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Role: PI
NCCIH/NINDS: R61/R33 R61AT012421
Integrative Training Program for Pediatric Sickle Cell Pain
Goals: This award is part of a phased mechanism (R61/R33). The overall goal of this project is to adapt and tailor an existing evidence-based innovative mind-body, cognitive-behavioral, and neuromuscular movement intervention (termed I-STRONG for SCD) to meet the unique needs of adolescents with chronic sickle cell pain (R61 phase). The adapted intervention will be tested in a multi-center randomized clinical trial (R33 phase).
Role: PI
NINR: R01NR020781-01A1
A Socio-Ecological Approach for Improving Self-Management in Adolescents with SCD
Goals: The goal of this project is to use a virtual telehealth format intervention (SCThrive) to teach adolescents and young adults about SCD, as well as the skills needed to manage their health, increase their communication skills, and utilize action planning.
PI: Crosby