
We are broadly interested in the molecular mechanisms of blood diseases and the development of novel therapeutics to treat them. We take a multidisciplinary approach, using a combination of cell biological, biochemical, biophysical techniques, as well as genetic mice models.
One focus is the mechanism of platelet physiology, particularly the function and regulation of platelet GPIb-IX-V complex. Platelets are blood cells in the circulation that mediate blood clotting and many other important functions. We are interested in understanding platelet activation by various stimulating factors including shear stress in the context of hematological and inflammatory disorders, and translating our findings to novel diagnostics and therapeutics.
- Platelet functional disorders
- Thrombocytopenia
- Platelet transfusion
Another focus is the dynamic regulation and activation of plasma proteins. Blood plasma contains many large, dynamic proteins that are linked to diseases. We aim to understand how they interact with one another in the context of disease settings and to develop new antibody or inhibitory agents as potential therapeutics.