Single-cell profiling allows for in-depth characterization of the tumor microenvironment and revealing the heterogeneity of pediatric cancers. Ease of access and analysis of the primary tumor single-cell data from studies on solid and blood pediatric tumors is essential for improving diagnostics and therapies. We have developed the Pediatric Single Cell Cancer Atlas(PedSCAtlas), with the goal of highlighting the heterogeneity of malignant and microenvironment cells across pediatric cancers. The atlas allows for quick exploration,comparative analysis, visualization, and prognostic assessment of genes/pathways across pediatric cancers without requiring bioinformatics analysis or computational support. The PedSCAtlascurrently contains expression data of >1.2million single cell(sc)and single nuclei (sn) from 134 pediatric hematological and solid-organ cancer samples and healthy bone marrow(BM). The hematological cancer samples are dominated by acute leukemias containing scRNA-seq data of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), T-cell ALL (T-ALL), and mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL).The scRNA-seq data are generated from the BM samples collected during the clinical diagnosis of the disease. The data for the atlas was either generated at the Bhasin lab or collected from public resources including the GEO database, ScPCA, and HCA. Additionally,the atlas also contains bulk RNA-sequencing data and clinical information retrieved from the TARGET Initiative.