First Year Fellow

Christian Oliveros, MD
Fellowship Year: 1
Hometown: Miami, FL
Medical School: Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Residency: Children’s Mercy Hospital
Research Interest: Systemic autoimmune/autoinflammatory disease (e.g., systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, CRMO, systemic lupus erythematosus)
Second Year Fellow

Shalini Bajaj, MD
Fellowship Year: 2
Hometown: Udaipur, India
Medical School: Ravindra Nath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, India
Residency: Medical College of Georgia, Augusta
Research Interests: Mental health in SLE, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, CRMO
Third Year Fellow

Meghan Nelson, DO
Fellowship Year: 3
Hometown: Prince George, VA
Medical School: Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Carolinas Campus
Residency: Medical College of Georgia
Research Interest: childhood onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Genetic and Clinical Determinants), Juvenile Dermatomyositis clinical outcome measures