Our developmental milestones guide has been written specifically with extremely low birth weight infants in mind. Refer to this guide for information on how extreme prematurity and associated medical complications may impact specific developmental milestones. The information in this guide is provided in a manner suitable for parent education. (Feel free to print out pages as needed for use with parents. We ask only that you keep entire documents intact and include the copyright at the bottom margin.) Developmental Milestones
Infants and young children who are hospitalized, especially those who require repeated hospitalizations, can experience anxiety and depression. We have provided a worksheet with suggestions for making hospitalization less stressful for children and their parents. The Hospitalized Child
Many children who where born prematurely have difficulty gaining weight and/or maintaining their rate of growth. Some of these children also have sensory issues that make transitioning to table food difficult. Children who initially were gaining weight well may fall off their growth curve at 15 to 18 months-corrected age. Other children need frequent, small portions. We have provided a printable guide with suggestions for increasing the calorie and protein content of each bite. Feel free to copy this guide for use in your practice. Calorie Boosters for Kids
Follow-up Guidelines
This section provides guidelines for the follow-up of high-risk infants and describes our follow-up program.
Parent Education Materials
We have provided many useful information sheets, articles, and parent hand-outs for you to print and use on our therapist page. Therapist/Educator.
For information on services available in Georgia for children with medical and/or developmental needs, see our "Georgia Resources" page. In addition, we have compiled many excellent related resources available on the web at Related Web Resources.