Our division provides most of its care at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Hughes Spalding Hospital. We serve over 28,000 inpatients and outpatients each year. Our physicians provide direct patient care and supervise residents and medical students on a daily basis. In addition to providing ambulatory pediatrics, our physicians also provide care in hospital medicine, adolescent medicine, infectious diseases, school-based health, child advocacy, developmental progress (for former premature infants), medical toxicology and children's environmental health. Our faculty also provide primary care at the Grady Brookhaven Health Center and dental care at Whitefoord, Inc. A departmental initiative that we lead is PARTNERS for Equity in Child and Adolescent Health, whose goal is to increase healthcare access for children across the state. Additionally, we collaborate with experts at Emory, CDC, Georgia State, and elsewhere on a variety of clinical, scholarly, educational and advocacy initiatives.
Hughes Evans, MD, PhD
Marcus Professor, General Pediatrics
Division Chief, General Pediatrics
We believe that advocacy is a core principle of pediatrics and endeavor to incorporate advocacy into all aspects of our work. Our advocacy efforts include:
Improving access to care through innovative clinical environments like school-based health care
Leadership and involvement in American Academy of Pediatrics committees and activities, statewide and nationally
Leadership in state-wide committees and initiatives regarding child health, early brain development and education, school-based health, and others
Legislative advocacy for child health
Providing comprehensive evaluation services for children with alleged neglect and physical and sexual abuse
Partnering with Georgia State University's Law School on the Health Law Partnership (HeLP) to advocate for our patients' rights
Improving environmental safety and protecting children from toxins through leadership in PEHSU