Lab Members
Graduate Students
Aiden Ford graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2017 with a B.S. in Physiology & Neurobiology and Neurodevelopment & Health, and minors in Anthropology and Neuroscience. Her undergraduate thesis examined the behavioral and neurostructural phenotype of the TS2-neo mouse model of Timothy Syndrome mediated-autism spectrum disorder. Post-graduation, Aiden accepted the Donald J. Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience and moved to Atlanta to study patterns of social visual engagement from infancy to toddlerhood with Drs. Ami Klin, Warren Jones, and Sarah Shultz. She continues this line of research now as a graduate student with Dr. Sarah Shultz in the neuroscience program at Emory University and specifically investigates the mechanisms by which dyadic social experience contributes to infant neurobehavioral development.
Originally from Panama City, Panama, Adriana Mendez graduated from Emory University in 2018 with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Economics. While at Emory, she completed a senior thesis assessing the implications of bilingualism on learning in adults. She also worked as a research assistant at the Bauer Memory Lab where she studied memory development in school-aged children. Additionally, as a research assistant at the Atlanta VA Medical Center she worked with adults with chronic pain who had served in the United States armed forces. Adriana began as a Donald J. Cohen Fellow at Emory in 2018. As a fellow, she studied the impacts of bilingual early-life language exposure on measures of sociovisual engagement through eye-tracking. Adriana continues this and other lines of research focused on ameliorating health disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of ASD now as a graduate student in Clinical Psychology at Emory under the mentorship of Dr. Ami Klin
Elizabeth (Elly) Kushner graduated in 2019 from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.Phil in Developmental Psychology where she conducted research on the development of communication within the context of parent-child interaction among children with ASD. She then completed a pre-doctoral fellowship at the Marcus Autism Center working in the Education Sciences Research Core and the Social Neuroscience core, primarily studying the interplay between social visual engagement and language development in children with ASD. She continues to work at the Marcus Autism Center while completing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Emory University studying parent-mediated early interventions for ASD with a particular interest in social-communicative and emotional development and intervention.