Principal Investigator
Susan Ribeiro, PhD
Assistant Professor
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
View Faculty Profile | Publications
Dr. Ribeiro’s research focus is on infectious diseases and most recently in cancers. Trained as a system’s biologist, Dr. Ribeiro applies MULTI-OMICs platforms to understand the mechanisms underlying immune responses to diseases and immunotherapies in human cohorts. High-throughput tools are used to validate the major findings in vitro resulting in the development of specific drugs to be tested in non-human primates, being clinical trials the expected outcome.
Dr. Ribeiro was initially involved in HIV vaccine development in pre-clinical models and has expanded her research focus to System’s Biology in the past 6 years. Currently, Dr. Ribeiro is focused on the role of IL10 and other factors (such as microbiome, metabolome, drugs of abuse, etc) in the modulation of the immune system in HIV, cancers and COVID19.
Dr. Ribeiro has major in Biology and has obtained her PhD from the School of Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where she also has completed a postdoctoral fellowship focused on HIV vaccine development and immunogenicity evaluation in pre-clinical models (transgenic mice and rhesus macaques). She also has joined UCSF for part of her Post-Doc, extending her studies to HIV pathogenesis.
Ribeiro Lab Members
Fernanda Caroline Coirada Oliveira
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Fernanda received her BSc. degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 2015 at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), in Araraquara. During her undergraduate, she studied aspects of cellular e immune response induced by immunization against HIV. After, she obtained her PhD at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (2021), where she investigated aspects of immunology and vaccinology focused in vaccines development against arboviruses studies such as Chikungunya and Zika virus. The main focus of the research was development of subunit and DNA vaccine candidates and immunogenicity evaluation in mice preclinical model.
Fernanda joined Ribeiro’s Lab/Patru as a Post-Doctoral Scholar in October 2021 at Emory University.
Fernanda Romano Bruno, MS
Visiting Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Fernanda obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University Center of United Metropolitan Schools - UniFMU, Brazil (2005), and a master’s degree in Infectious Diseases from the Federal University of Sao Paulo - Unifesp Brazil (2010).
During graduation, she studied the Clinical Analysis, explored the graduation time to join the Skin Cell Culture Laboratory and the Immunology Laboratory II - Unifesp, where she carried out an internship project for studies on the cultivation skin cells and the applicability of Flow Cytometry in Immunology.
She worked in the School of Medicine (FMUSP) as member of the “Quality Control Unity” and was responsible for the development and implementation of Standard Operational Protocols (SOPs). Also, worked with high-density Flow Cytometry (panel development and optimization), as well as cell sorting for different projects to studies some Infectious and Immunology Diseases. She was member of the COVID-19 Vaccine Project of the Heart Institute (InCor), Brazil.
She has joined the Ribeiro’s Lab and PATRU team in 2021.
Perla del Rio Estrada
Visiting Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Irene González-Navarro
Visiting Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Irene González-Navarro is a PhD researcher from the Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca sobre Immunopatologies-Caixa (IrsiCaixa) in Badalona, Barcelona (Spain). She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from IQS Scholl of Engineering - Ramón Llull University, Barcelona (Spain) in 2020, and a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain) in 2021.
During her undergraduate studies, she worked on recombinant antimicrobial proteins production in the Ruminant Production group at Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) – Torre Marimón as part of a curricular internship (2019); as well as complete out her bachelor’s thesis with the Evolutionary and Functional Genomics group at the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC –UPF), studying the adaptations induced by transposable elements and point mutations in Drosophila melanogaster adaptation through strategies based on CRISPR/Cas9 (2020), work she continued as laboratory technician after completing her master’s (2021).
Later she joined IrsiCaixa’s Retrovirology and Clinical Studies group (GREC) in 2022 as a pre-doctoral researcher, where she is currently collaborating on the characterization of an extreme phenotype of HIV-1 infection to understand the pathogenesis and persistence of the infection to develop new therapeutic approaches that ultimately allows to achieve a cure. See joined Ribeiro’s Lab and PATRU in June 2024 as part of her thesis stay to conduct Flow and single-cell assays.
Manini Majithia
Research Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Manini Majithia is an undergraduate at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. She is pursuing her degree in Biology and Human Health on the pre-med track. Manini is currently interning with Dr. Ribeiro assisting in her research on Infectious diseases and cancers. Currently, they are working on the role of IL-10 and other factors such as the metabolome in the modulation of the immune system in HIV, cancers, and COVID-19.
Giuliana Xavier de Medeiors
Postdoctoral Fellow
Pathology Advanced Translational Research Unit
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Giuliana obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil (2017). In 2016, she was an exchange research student at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest (Hungary), where she assessed protein production quality for recombinant antibody production. In 2020 she got her master’s degree in Immunology and Parasitic Diseases at UFJF, where she investigated the impact of vitamin D treatment on inflammatory markers and lipid mediators during Mycobacterium bovis BCG infection. In 2020, she joined the Medical Investigation Laboratory (LIM19) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo as a PhD student. Her work is focused on the evaluation of innate and cellular immune responses to COVID-19 vaccines in individuals previously infected or not with SARS-CoV-2.
Giuliana joined Ribeiro’s Lab and PATRU in September 2022.
Giuliana’s current research is to investigate innate and adaptative immune responses to infectious diseases. She joined Ribeiro’s Lab to perform single cell sequencing and bioinformatics analysis.