Interactive eLearning Tool Created by Emory Pathology Faculty Member
The Emory Pathology eLearning Portal (EPeP) is an online training site that presents interactive cases and scenarios, asking questions that the trainee must answer to progress through the case. As each question is answered, the trainee is given immediate content-rich feedback. The interactive questions in the cases and scenarios are presented in a progression that allows a simulation as if the case was occurring in real time. For the trainees, the cases and scenarios can be accessed as “unknowns” or by specific topic using the index. For those assessing progress, a certificate with the passing grade can be printed at the end of each module so as to document that the trainee has mastered the concepts.
The EPeP started as a project to have online microbiology vignettes that were presented during microbiology rounds (Spicer JO et al. Am J Clin Pathol 2014 141:318-22). Thus, the largest number of modules are related to microbiology and have been used by students in public health and medicine, pathology and internal medicine residents and infectious disease fellows. The Infectious Diseases Society of America has endorsed its use for training fellows. A publication that evaluated the microbiology modules showed improved knowledge in microbiology by internal medicine residents after they went over a subset of the microbiology modules(Guarner J et al. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53:278- 81).
The EPeP online application has evolved to include other clinical pathology disciplines. It now houses modules in coagulation, transfusion medicine, chemistry, hematopathology, and laboratory administration. The modules dedicated to laboratory administration have been evaluated as part of a laboratory administration curriculum at 2 academic centers (Guarner et al. Am J Clin Pathol 2017;148:368-373). These modules address the pathology system-based practice milestones in a systematic manner and allow for standard instruction of topics even though residents may not have been exposed to issues that did not occur during their training.
For the Medical Education Partnership Initiative, online modules that address questions that clinicians encounter regarding laboratory medicine were created. These modules have been used during a course to train clinicians on laboratory medicine in Ethiopia (Guarner J, et al. Am J Clin Pathol. 2015;143:405- 11). Future modules are planned around anatomic pathology and cytopathology.
You are welcomed to explore the EPeP website. When asked for a username and password, use EPeP (case sensitive) for both.
About the AuthorDr. Jeannette Guarner created the concept of EPeP and worked closely with others to bring her concept to fruition. She molds each and every case module personally before sending it for publication to the production server. Dr. Guarner is a Professor of Pathology, Director of Emory University Hospital Midtown, and Associate Director of Emory Medical Laboratories.
October 2017