Faculty Development in the Department of Otolaryngology
Our Faculty Development Program is dedicated to developing and nurturing our diverse faculty so that they may become leaders in clinical care, medical education, and research innovation.

New Faculty Resources
The following information will assist new faculty as they transition to Emory's wide ranging opportunities.
Emory University Hospital Midtown New Provider Orientation Guide
Professional Development Opportunities
Career Development Section, Association of American Medical Colleges website
ACS Surgeons as Educators. This six-day course is offered by the ACS Division of Education, and is designed to provide surgeons with the knowledge and skills to enhance their abilities as teachers and administrators of surgical education programs.
Listing of departmental organizations for women faculty at Emory, compiled by the Emory Alliance for Women in Medicine & Science.
Career Development Events
Explore learning opportunities and events across the School of Medicine for leadership, mentoring, and general career development.
Departmental Calendar
Join us for upcoming events, including workshops and Grand Rounds lectures, in the Department of Otolaryngology.
Our Faculty Speakers
Consider scheduling our faculty to speak at your events. Our faculty members are available to speak on a wide range of topics in otolaryngology. Click the heading above and view the list of our faculty experts and their areas of knowledge.
Career Conference Report
In each department of the School of Medicine, the Chair or the Chair's designee shall conduct a yearly professional development and performance review with each regular faculty member who holds a primary appointment in the department. This review shall be based on performance in the areas of teaching scholarship and service and shall be conducted using the online faculty evaluation form, the Career Conference and Performance Review (CCPR), which is available annually to all departments.