The Emory University Foot & Ankle Fellowship provides specialized orthopaedic surgical training in all aspects of both uncomplicated and complex problems of the foot and ankle. The fellow will become proficient in the treatment of the following clinical conditions including, but not limited to:
- Ankle and foot arthritis
- Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
- Forefoot conditions (Hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, lesser toe deformity, neuroma)
- Sports-related tendon, ligament, and cartilage injuries
- Complex ankle and hindfoot trauma
The fellowship program will consist of a wide exposure to a variety of advanced surgical techniques from faculty with diverse training experiences and expertise. Fellows will have the opportunity to tailor their training experience based on their specific interests and needs.
Education is a crucial aspect of the fellowship program. Fellows will function as educators in the department with the expectation of teaching residents in clinic and the operating room. Participation in weekly conferences is required. These conferences will vary throughout the year but will consist of indications conferences, journal clubs, complex case conferences, and foot and ankle topic reviews.
Emory University Foot & Ankle Fellows will have numerous opportunities for research during their fellowship year. Completion of two research projects, with the goal of submitting these projects to the AOFAS Summer meeting for presentation and eventual publication, is expected.
Thank you for your interest in the Foot and Ankle fellowship at Emory University. We encourage you to take the time to explore this website to learn more about the fellowship experience, educational opportunities, and the foot and ankle team. Please do not hesitant to contact any of us if there are any questions that arise.